Be Seen.

Get Leads.

You're busy running a small business. Maybe you don't have the time or knowledge you need to get on the first page of Google results. We do, and we'd love to help you get to the top and be seen. Visibility is our bread and butter at Lead Local Digital.

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Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to help small business owners in Harrisburg, PA and around the country make their businesses flourish. We do that through modern website design, search engine optimization (SEO), and local map listings.

The most important thing to us?

Providing amazing value and generating leads!

Your success is our success, so let's win this together.

Our Founder

With a background in copywriting and Amazon FBA e-commerce, Isabel V. has a heart for small business. She knows how hard it is to start, run, and scale your own operation and founded Lead Local Digital to help small businesses boost their online visibility and organic website traffic.

local digital marketing agency
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